Today's post comes to you from beautiful Key West, Florida. We are staying in a beautiful vacation rental that sits on 5 acres of pristine land, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. You can check out the property here: Just driving to this compound feels like we, the humans, are disturbing the peace. Flocks of birds stir at the sound of the car, we break so that blue crabs can cross the road, and iguanas run into trees to hide.
On a side note, I would like all my readers to know that several studies have confirmed that people who spend their money on experiences, rather than material items, are happier in the long run. I concur! Anytime I purchase an item, I do get excited, but the excitement fades rather quickly after I have grown accustomed to seeing it. Contrary, the memories of vacations, extraordinary dinners, and good times with friends bring me constant joy and memories I never will forget. My motto in life is to stop shopping and start living! I guess this is why I love food....

Fresh Caught Fish with Teriyaki Sauce
1 lb. of hearty fish (such as swordfish, halibut, salmon or grouper)
teriyaki sauce (a hearty dose)
2-3 tablespoons hot sesame oil
3-4 garlic cloves, chopped
Combine all ingredients in a dish or ziplock back and allow fish to marinate for at least 1 hour.
Cook your favorite way and enjoy!
dani! thanks for the key west link ... i love all your webisodes - you're a natural on camera ... how do you make the videos? on a mac? i just discovered matt & kim myself, nice selection ... xo
Wow -- that fish is huge! Way to go Micah. And I love teriyaki sauce. Dave and I have been eating a ton of fish recently so we'll definitely give this recipe a spin.
That fish was some good eating! The recipe was so easy! I believe the teriyaki sauce was the Kona Coast Ginger Wasabi Teriyaki Sauce. I am sure any good teriyaki will do, but this have an added flair.
Can't wait to get back to fishing for some great food!
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